Güz Atölyesi-2: “Introduction to the Philosophy of Science and Epistemology: The Remains of the Pandemics”

Introduction to the Philosophy of Science and Epistemology: The Remains of the Pandemics
In this workshop in which we neither give precedence to philosophy over English nor vice versa, we will be targeting to make an introduction to philosophy by occupying ourselves with the philosophical literature produced in the English-speaking world. Bearing in mind the indelible effects of the ongoing pandemics, we will abide by the selection comprised of some introductory texts in the philosophy of science, the philosophy of mind, the philosophy of animal minds, the philosophy of medicine and epistemology. Restricting ourselves with particular literature will make it possible for us to discuss in a limited vocabulary. This, we hope, will contribute to our colloquial capacities.

Not:Atölye dili İngilizcedir.

Son Başvuru Tarihi: 6 Eylül Pazartesi, Saat:21:00
Atölye Yürütücüsü